20 Most Offensive Video Games Of All Time

3. Rendition

(There are no screenshots of the original title) Rendition is the only text adventure game on this list but despite its antiquated style it was actually developed in 2007. It's an art piece that allows you to perform "advanced interrogation" techniques on suspected terrorists. It was pretty well received actually, likely because it was so small that it could be made by a single artist and then displayed rather than something like Rendition: Guantanamo, a similar game which was cancelled in mid-development because of concerns over its content. Another key difference is that Rendition the text adventure places you in the role of the torturer while R:G was meant to have you play as an inmate and used the slogan "it's time to fight back". So, for the record, torturing people is okay but rising up against your torturers is not. Got it. We won't even go into the uncomfortable fact that since both games were centered around the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, the people on each side would have been of different ethnic backgrounds and, again, only one of these games was cancelled. Then again, 9/11. What about 9/11? Well, glad you asked...
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Eric Day co-hosts the Murderville Podcast at www.welcometomurderville.com Give it a listen. Five minutes. Maybe you'll dig it. Maybe you'll hate it. But at least you'll have tried something new.