20 Most Offensive Video Games Of All Time

2. New York Defender

New York Defender postulates that escalation in global warfare is inevitable. That even if we were to rebuild the Twin Towers exactly as they were and then defend them with a laser turret system (controlled by your mouse) that Al Qaeda would simply hijack a literally infinite amount of planes and send them all at once. Either that or it's just dumb. We'll let you make the judgement call on that one. New York Defender actually isn't the only 9/11 game out there. There's also WTC Survivor which is a lot more artsy, as evidenced by it being a 21st century video game made in black-and-white. In that one you sort of just walk around for a while and then die, evoking hopelessness or some such thing. But that's enough of big, national tragedies. Let's focus in on something more personal...
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Eric Day co-hosts the Murderville Podcast at www.welcometomurderville.com Give it a listen. Five minutes. Maybe you'll dig it. Maybe you'll hate it. But at least you'll have tried something new.