20 Most Offensive Video Games Of All Time

14. The Guy Game

Here's a wretched series of banal trivia questions developed by - sigh - Top Heavy Studios. Get it? Because breasts? This one would be bad enough for literally rewarding the player with nudity but it was also the subject of a lawsuit when it broke child pornography laws. After the game was released, one of the models revealed that she was only seventeen at the time that her footage was filmed. Although that's super illegal, it's also super difficult to remove every single copy of something like this from stores once it's out there. So for years used copies of The Guy Game featuring illegal porn sat sandwiched between copies of Sonic 2006 and Goldeneye: Rogue Agent in the bargain bin. Thankfully nobody realised, since nobody would ever willingly play The Guy Game and Top Heavy Studios itself was eventually shut down. Apparently the universe has a way of correcting itself. Then again, we're about to spend several entries talking about sexual assault so, hey, maybe not...
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Eric Day co-hosts the Murderville Podcast at www.welcometomurderville.com Give it a listen. Five minutes. Maybe you'll dig it. Maybe you'll hate it. But at least you'll have tried something new.