20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best
11. The Witness
Even if you're not a fan of things like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture or The Witness, it's a damn good thing that the console can cater to so many experiences anyway. The latter especially is the product of Braid's Jonathan Blow, who amassed a team of coders to bring his next mind-bending puzzler to life.
Centred entirely around the idea of getting a beam of light from one end of a given grid to another, the game starts introducing rules and thought processes to subsequent iterations of that same setup.
Eventually you need only look at a particular symbol to know the rule the game is asking for, and when those rules start combining and feeding into the world you're exploring, The Witness truly reveals itself as one giant comment on how we take in information, repurpose it and spread it.
Easily the hardest puzzle game on PS4 and one of the most well designed of all time, if you like the sensation of a given conundrum snapping into place after hours of pondering, The Witness is for you.