20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

everybody's gone to the rapture
The Chinese Room

"Eww, story-focussed games" many will squirm and say. Well, yes, and especially with Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, it really is a narrative-heavy 'experience' rather than anything with any particular gameplay loop, but for the mood it creates and the phenomenally well told story within, The Chinese Room's latest deserves a mention.

Said story sees you playing an unknown wanderer through a village in Shropshire, England. The town's populace are nowhere to be seen and all that's left is to travel house to house, item to item figuring out exactly what happened.

The only character models in the game are spectral balls of light that form shapes resembling humanoid movement, but it's a testament to how cutscenes are delivered and just how well voiced the entire cast is, that from just the barest idea of 'this person was here, and this person was over there' staging, that incredibly emotional exchanges occur.

It's definitely not for everyone, but none of the best things in life are. Give it a shot if you fancy flexing your pretentious muscles, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is gorgeous.

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