20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Ratchet & Clank

ratchet and clank

It's hard to go from such gushing praise of what's clearly a very mature title to Ratchet & Clank, but occasionally you just want a game to be a game, y'know?

Sometimes you don't need grand arcs, character development and discussions online about what a line of dialogue truly means. Sometimes, you just wanna smash through waves of enemies with a wrench, collect hundreds of shiny bolts and get a gun that fires discoballs every few minutes.

Sometimes, you just need a 3D platformer like Ratchet & Clank to rekindle your childhood, reminding you of a time when the genre was everywhere, and that underneath all the cinematic grandeur that comes with blockbuster action adventures, solid mechanics and loveable characters can stand toe-to-toe all the same.

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