20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

uncharted 4
Naughty Dog

All those lovely words for Ratchet & Clank and I still went back to Uncharted? Well, yes, hell yes, because what Naughty Dog have done with the character of Nathan Drake isn't something I ever thought possible. They grounded him, made him human, made him more relatable than you thought before, and crazier than ever - they reframed all three past Uncharteds as flights of fancy; youthfully exuberant adventures we've all done as part of growing up, perhaps now yearning to do so one last time after settling down.

By making Drake the man first and the adventurer second, you look at the near-death experiences he just barely scrapes through under a whole new light. A Thief's End does all this before introducing Nate's brother from years gone by and asking you to then go on one more adventure, too - and you feel the weight of that situation through every subsequent step.

Uncharted 4 might not be the landmark success The Last of Us was in terms of holding up one version of morality and forcing you to live with it, but it is the natural evolution of the blockbuster action flick - one with brains, brawn, and a ludicrous amount of heart.

What's the best and worst PS4 exclusive so far? Let us know in the comments!

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