20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

14. Grow Home

Grow Home BUD

Y'know when I said there was a lack of 3D platformers? Yeah, Ubisoft noticed that too, and although they weren't about to gamble tens of thousands on a big budget release, Grow Home was made by one of their smaller studios instead.

Playing as BUD, gameplay maps the triggers to his hands, as you strategically climb and jump your way up a vertical landscape. Thick vines arc across the sky and carry you place to place, flowers can be clung onto and used as makeshift parachutes, and BUD himself is a clumsy sort that means momentum must be thought of at all times.

It's cute, it's unique, has just enough of a tactile feel to be addictive, and it'll scratch your 3D platformer itch like nothing outside of Ratchet & Clank.

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