20 Ridiculously Low Game Ratings You Won’t Believe

9. Tales Of Xillia 2: 71

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnEyrxi6x6Q Tales of Xillia 2 is the 2012 (2014 in the west) entry into the "Tales of" series of RPGs, and is the second game in the Tales of Xillia story. Taking place a year after the first game, it follows the character of Ledger as he and the main characters of the first Xillia game attempt to reach the Land of Canaan and save humanity. The €œTales€ series of games has always been a favorite among RPG gamers. Tales of Xillia was a pretty great game that got quite a bit of praise, even on Metacritic where it received a 78 (and 0 negative reviews). So what went wrong here? The harshest reviews tended to rag on the amount of side quests in comparison to the main quest. Likewise, some reviewers were also unimpressed with the battle system. It€™s pretty baffling that a RPG with lots of side quests gets put down at the same time that other linear RPG€™s with few side quest also get poor scores. Needless to say, they probably wouldn€™t have liked this game either way. JRPGs on Metacritic are stuck in a no win situation.
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Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.