20 Ridiculously Low Game Ratings You Won’t Believe

10. Mega Man Legends 2: 76

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIGUTH_I5Q The original Mega Man Legends game is one of the first 3D open world games available on the PS1. It had an expansive city that you could freely roam, side quests to do, and of course various dungeon areas.Mega Man Legends 2 improved upon it in many ways, including more towns for you to visit, more abilities, and a longer story. It's an insanely good game, and among the best the PS1 has to offer. Why a 76? The main complaint was that the graphics were ugly, with some lock on flaws, and an €œoutdated engine€. It is true that MML2 did tend to be wonky with the lock-on system at times. However, the graphics and engine are debatable. The engine may very well be the same one used in the first game and in €œThe Misadventures of Trone Bonne€, but it still worked just fine. One major rule for games is that a new engine equals new problems, but unless the previous engine was awful, they did better by keeping the first. As for the graphics, there has to be some relevancy taken into account. It is true that some times the textures and dungeon models could be sub-par. However, this was a game on the aging PS1 with a large world that you could venture around in. It was also a single disc release. They could have put nicer textures in and cut some features, or they could have included multiple discs. Who wants that though? It was a good game that had the innovation the critics desire. It€™s only true problem being it€™s rarity!
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Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.