20 Ridiculously Low Game Ratings You Won’t Believe

3. Onechanbara Z2 Chaos: 57

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9TWVmrIPtw In the current climate of politically correct gaming, it€™s no surprise this title got such a low score. For those that don€™t know, the Onechanbara franchise is a 3D beat-em-up game in the vein of the Musou/Warriors series where you take control of a bikini clad young lady and kill zombies. Simple, yet fun. It€™s first iteration was a budget title on the PS2 in Japan, and it became so popular that it spawned seven different games and a live action movie. Of course, the two aspects of the games that are always catching flak tend to be the gameplay style and the erotic nature of the games. Given the nature of online games reviewers today, it€™s easy to see why they score so low. Take one of the lower scoring examples from Metacritic: €œdigitalchumps€ review. Eric Layman, writing for the blog rarely critiques the games actual mechanics. He mentions that doing certain combos can be challenging with the control layout. That€™s interesting; unfortunately only one paragraph out of the sixteen paragraph review discusses this. The rest of the €œreview€ badgers on about how skimpily dressed the heroines are, and how boring this type of game is to him. The majority of the critic reviews are like this. Seemingly, having saucy character designs and being a particular genera is a good reason to dump on a game. However, the user score is a much higher 7.3, proving that many times the critics aren€™t always fair.
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Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.