20 Most Satisfying Video Game Boss Battles Since 2000

19. General RAAM (Gears Of War)

RaamEpic GamesGears Of War arrived just when Microsoft needed it most; giving the Xbox 360 it's first must-have title that helped to fill the console's Halo-shaped void for a bit. While the series is arguably best known for its multiplayer, Gears' macho campaign has also won hearts and minds over, turning the series into a genuine gaming force. General RAAM serves as the main antagonist for Epic Games' first outing with the series and he proves to be quite a handful as he appears throughout the campaign intent on heaping woe and death on our COG heroes. Marcus and Dom finally take the big guy on at the end of the game and he's a pretty tough boss fight when the difficulty is cranked up, carrying a portable turret around along with a horde of Kryll minions as a shield, making patience a key virtue. All of this makes it unbelievably satisfying to stick a Torque Bow bolt in his head and finally finish him off - that'll teach him for always spelling his name with the Caps Lock on.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.