20 Scariest Video Games Of All-Time

3. Doom 3

doom 3
iD Software

When you open a portal to Hell, bad things happen. Scary, horrific, terrible things. And so here's Doom 3, arguably the best - and definitely the most frightening - Doom game ever made. There was, of course, heaps and heaps of pressure weighing down on Doom 3 in the months before its release. Thankfully, the developers delivered an incredibly immersive gaming experience... one powered by its ability to genuinely scare the wits out of anybody who could buckle up the courage to sit down and face it. It wasn't easy.

What makes Doom 3 so scary, then? It's all about the lighting in this one - or lack of, in fact. Because Doom 3 thrived on its willingness to plunge players into dark holes and recesses where it was left to their imaginations to conjure up what, exactly, might be crawling around in the shadows around them.

Of course, the game would almost always reveal the associated horrors in the end, but not at the price of the nail-biting tension achieved in the build-up. Also: you couldn't hold your weapon and your flashlight at the same time. Genius.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.