20 Scariest Video Games Of All-Time

17. Manhunt

Manhunt Game

Manhunt was scary because - let's face it - it was so downright disturbing. When Rockstar unveiled this sickening son of a b*tch all the way back in 2003, the world went a little crazy, and it was banned in a number of countries due to the gruesome content and depictions of violence.

Even today, the level of gory detail is still shocking - and the atmosphere inherent to the game (and that dank, Se7en-like colour palette) meant that playing through kept you on edge from the very beginning to the very end. Manhunt had you poised as James Earl Cash, a death row inmate who finds himself kidnapped and forced to play the worst part in a snuff film (no prizes for guessing which part).

To say that Manhunt was creepy would be something of an understatement, then - it brandished a sickening, cynical viewpoint, and even made players feel responsible for the levels of violence depicted on-screen. After all, Manhunt could be as gruesome as you wanted it to be - or not at all. And that, perhaps, was the scariest thing about it.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.