18 Stupidly Tiny Things Only Gamers Will Appreciate

7. No Quick-Time Events In Cutscenes

Once the next level 'evolution' of control within games and their respective cutscenes, now a very unresponsive and cheap way to maintain 'engagement' during any non-playing scenario. Some games do it fairly well - God of War or Batman: Arkham Knight's tying of head-bashing to wailing on a face button works perfectly - but others... not so much. For the most part we've left this godforsaken trope in the last generation, but whenever you're about to watch a cutscene of a particularly action-heavy set-piece, only for everything to grind to a halt and the game to essentially say "Go on, keep it going!", it's the most pace-breaking, groan-inducing thing going.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.