18 Stupidly Tiny Things Only Gamers Will Appreciate

6. When You Die... And There's Good Checkpointing

If you've played the otherwise-phenomenal Resident Evil HD remaster for PS4, you'll have had a crushing realisation when you inevitably hit the 'You Died' screen; a shocking state of affairs when it comes to checkpointing your progress. Put simply, everyone hates dying in games. It kills the pace, forces you to sit through a load screen, and ultimately just completely takes you out of whatever gameplay loop you were previously enjoying. For the original Resi you could only save as much as you had access to a finite supply of Ink Ribbons, but even that doesn't compare to the horror of a checkpoint that drops you back before an un-skippable cutscene. There's quite literally nothing worse than sitting through some exposition you already know, and plenty older games were very guilty of this - not to mention the older GTAs would plonk you back on the opposite side of the map and ask you to traverse the whole thing just to die again. It was agony.
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