20 Things Only Pokémon Fans Will Understand

18. We All Wanted, And Eventually Had, A Shiny Charizard Card

Pokemon Rival Name
The Pokémon Company

When the popularity of the Pokémon Trading Card Game swept the world and teachers everywhere had to work hard to ban the trading activities from schoolyards in the hopes of maintaining order, there was always one card that was coveted above all others.

That's right, the shiny Charizard card from the first generation of the Pokémon TGC was an absolute treasure for eager collectors. Everyone wanted to get their hands on one, and the card was likely responsible for some of the more - let's say - unwise trading decisions in trading card history.

And while everyone sorely wanted to grace their deck with this apparent holy grail, it seems everyone invariably did before too long. Speak to any ex-collector and they'll no doubt regale you with stories of when - and how - they got their hands on Charizard, and what they traded for it.

Either Pokémon has spawned a generation of petty liars, or that shiny Charizard card wasn't quite as rare as we all once believed...

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.