20 Things You Didn't Know About Uncharted
3. The Origins Of Drake's Catchphrase "Kitty Got Wet!"
While playing Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4, you might hear Nate yell out "kitty got wet!" whenever he takes out a goon, a pretty strange statement even for a protagonist as witty as this one.
So where did the phrase come from?
Well, the story starts with Nolan North's son, Cooper. The two were playing Wii tennis one day, and when Cooper won a game, he taunted his father by exclaiming "kitty got wet!" Naturally, the elder North asked his son where he got that phrase from, and he received the reply "kitties don't like getting wet."
So, the next time he was in the booth, North used the phrase when he was recording Nate's punches. And it actually made it into the game. What a world we live in.