20 Toughest Video Game Characters Of All Time

5. Chris Redfield

First Appearance: Resident Evil (1996) Resident Evil has given us a long list of some of the toughest guys (and girls) in video gaming history, but Chris Redfield stands apart from the rest as being the guy to go to first when the dead of the earth start to clamber out of their graves. Chris has been here from the start, making his first appearance in the original 1996 Resident Evil game. Since then Chris has also featured in Code Veronica X, The Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6 and Revelations. During this time he has probably hacked down, head-shot and generally obliterated more zombies than any other character in all of fiction (maybe JUST beaten by Dead Rising€™s Frank West, though everyone knows those zombies are the harmless kind). In the original Resident Evil, Chris and his team members were betrayed by the highly creepy Albert Wesker, causing Chris to hold a vendetta against the Umbrella Corporation and setting up an ongoing battle between himself and Wesker which finally culminated in Resident Evil 5. Chris' character was designed to be the 'tough guy' and he has certainly lived up to that €“ more jacked-up than Leon and less emotional than Jill, Chris is more of your archetypal zombie-smasher. Hey €“ if you've survived against zombies since 1996, you must be tough!
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.