20 Toughest Video Game Characters Of All Time

2. Solid Snake

First Appearance: Metal Gear Solid (1998) During his long tenure as American super-soldier and general badass there have been very few things Solid Snake hasn€™t had to deal with. Among other things we have seen Snake survive the hardships of aging, torture, enemy gunfire, icy coldness, blistering heat and copious quantities of cigarettes. As well as these physical obstacles, Snake has been forced to endure the emotional strain of being betrayed on more than one occasion €“ indeed with all the double-crossing he has experienced you will be forgiven for thinking that he is named Snake to remind him about the dangers of betrayal. Despite his obvious toughness, Solid Snake is an expert in minimalising the risks he takes during a mission. A good Metal Gear Solid player will always endeavour to avoid an enemy rather than engaging in combat; this is the secret to survival in the world of war, espionage and nuclear-warheads which Snake occupies. On the many occasions that you will inevitably die during a play through of MGS, you are reminded of just how inexpendible the incredibly tough Snake is to the USA €“ on the game over screen you hear your commander yelling €œSnake? Snake! SNAAAAAKE!€, mortified that his ace-in-the-hole has perished.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.