20 Toughest Video Game Characters Of All Time

1. Master Chief

First Appearance: Halo: Combat Evolved (2001) The mascot of the Xbox brand and slayer of untold numbers of Covenant foot soldiers, Master Chief is without doubt the toughest character in all of video gaming. As per Halo 2€™s manual, Master Chief stands approximately seven feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds in full armour. His imposing stature doesn€™t limit his agility though €“ humanity€™s saviour is able to sprint, leap and chase down luckless Covenant, wielding a gigantic gravity hammer without ever tiring. Master Chief ticks all the boxes of being a world (or universe)-class soldier €“ he is proficient in all types weaponry (both those belonging to his own faction and to the Covenant) and is also an excellent pilot. Master Chief has shown on numerous occasions that he prefers the odds to be stacked against him. Like Lebron James taking a game winning free-throw, Frank Lampard smacking in a penalty or Roger Federer hammering home the match winning serve, Master Chief has ice in his veins and thrives under the immense pressure presented by the Covenant€™s superior technologies, being that he is nearly always outnumbered. At a cursory glance Master Chief may seem a little one dimensional €“ capable of sniping a Stalker at 80-yards but lacking any emotional depth. Indeed, Master Chief isn€™t exactly the most charismatic of heroes, barely speaking throughout the entire franchise. Halo€™s developers revealed the logic behind their mostly-mute hero €“ by barely having Chief speak, Bungie allows the gamer to become Master Chief; the toughest badass in video gaming history. Who would you guys put on this list that we've missed? Are there any that you disagree with? Let us know in the comments!
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.