20 Ugliest Animal Crossing Villagers

6. Harry


Hippopotamuses are, in a nutshell, absolutely terrifying. They're enormous, have gigantic snouts, monstrous tusks, and kill about 4,000 people a year (which is more than any other animal). Because of how scary they are, it's pretty weird that anyone would think of turning a hippo into a cute character.

Nevertheless, Animal Crossing tried their best by devising a villager called Harry. However, Harry looks pretty gross since, as has already been mentioned, hippos are pretty petrifying. Even though these semiaquatic creatures are normally brown or grey, Nintendo decided to give Harry a yellow tint, so his skin has the same shade as urine. When Harry laughs, he exposes his elongated tusks, which makes him look like he's about to take a bite out of any nearby villager. And with his jagged, unkempt beard, Harry could easily be mistaken as homeless.


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