20 Ugliest Animal Crossing Villagers

3. Shrunk


Do you know what animal has never been described as adorable? An axolotl. With their pasty, pink skin and six gills jutting out of their face, nobody is rushing out to get this salamander as a pet.

Can an axolotl villager in Animal Crossing look cute? Probably.

Does the axolotl in Animal Crossing, Dr. Shrunk, look cute?

Not at all! With his big round eyes, crescent unibrow, buck teeth, and his weird moustache that is mistaken for a nose, it's hard to picture how to make Shrunk look worse.

At one point, one of the characters asks, 'Why did the chicken cross the road? To avoid Dr. Shrunk!' And when you finally meet the good doctor, you can see why.


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