20 Underrated Hidden Gaming Gems Of The Current Generation You Need To Play
8. Valiant Hearts: The Great War
At some point I guarantee a very poignant article will be written about how our own heritage can have an inevitable impact on how we view something like war in a video game.
For example, take World War I - on the one hand you've got the overblown, piano music-backed, "No seriously guys, we get it, war was hell... but come buy some Battlepacks!" blunder-bluster of Battlefield 1, and then you've got the non-Americanised likes of Valiant Hearts; a calmer, occasionally lighthearted but ultimately moving tale of the same time period, told by French devs Ubisoft Montpellier.
What I'm saying, is if you're playing through Battlefield 1 and come up against the contrasting tone of wartime vs. carefree multiplayer, a more resonant take exists within Valiant Hearts.
By having the whole game be a more relaxed platformer/puzzler interspersed with chunks of historical text and impactful story beats, The Great War is a far more subdued - and some may say, more appropriate - take on such sensitive subject matter.