20 WTF Moments From Resident Evil 7

5. The Choice - Cure Mia Or Zoe?

Resident Evil 7 Eveline

RE7's big narrative crossroads occurs after defeating Jack's final form, leaving Ethan with just one vial of serum, and having to decide whether to use it on his wife Mia or the only Baker who hasn't tried to kill him, Zoe.

It's an odd dilemma because what husband in their right mind would cure some random woman rather than their own wife? It also splits the narrative off in fairly dubious fashion: cure Mia and Zoe is simply never seen again, but if you cure Zoe, Zoe's re-infected and killed moments later, and the player then has to kill Mia before the end of the game.

It felt like Capcom were just striving for multiple endings and this was apparently the best branching plot they could come up with. Uninspired.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.