20 Years Of PlayStation: 20 Best Video Games So Far

1. Metal Gear Solid

The game-changer, the magnum opus, the first release on home console that really brought about the "Could games be better than film?" debate. Metal Gear Solid was a revolution through every fibre of its execution, the premiere 3D instalment in an already decade-strong franchise that took its established canon and put you slap-bang in the middle of preventing a global catastrophe. Being the focal point of this larger-than-life context is part of why people got so immediately attached to Solid Snake's infiltration across Shadow Moses island, but it was the gameplay that truly pushed it into another realm entirely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt2K45vwTM4 Hiding from guards ("Who's footprints are these?!") using all-new stealth tactics, amassing an arsenal of weapons that gave you one hell of a sense of progression and tackling a string of bosses with some of the most unique methods ever seen - it's all of this and everything in between that truly makes Metal Gear Solid timeless. Psycho Mantis reading your memory card, having to look on the back of the actual CD case for info, feeling the controller rumble play a part in being tortured - every aspect showed creator Hideo Kojima out to prove himself to the whole world, and thankfully it all came together better than any of us could ever have imagined. What's your favourite PlayStation game of all time? Let us know in the comments!
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