21 Confirmed Video Games We Can't Wait To See At E3 2015

18. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

With creative genius Hideo Kojima and publisher Konami at loggerheads when it comes to some internal beef, all eyes are on MGS V to see if that's had any effect on how it plays, the level of quality control applied throughout - and if the legendary quirky nature of the series is still intact. Well, considering the fact you're forced to wear a chicken mask if you fail a mission, can surf down mountainsides on cardboard boxes and are able to attach giant airlifting balloons to goats and enemy soldiers, yeah - it's pretty intact. However alongside the tomfoolery you'll get up to within the brand new open-world nature of the game (a first for the series), there's also a far heavier, more controversial story within that was hinted at through MGS: Ground Zeroes. As Phantom Pain is dealing with the many aspects of Big Boss' life that slowly drove him over the edge, turning him into the maniacal psychopath you take down in the original Metal Gear, we've seen footage of some very contentious subject matter involving child soldiers, rape and torture to name but three. Whatever happens, the gameplay side of things sounds spectacular from what other reporters have been able to let slip, it's just a case of letting the fans get eyes on more of this phenomenal final instalment.
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E3 2015
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