The debate will continue to rage on about Arkham Asylum vs. City, and although you can totally make the case that the latter's inherent nature as an open-world game provides more things to do, that argument just doesn't hold up when the city itself is practically empty and utterly devoid of said activities outside of working your way through a checklist of bad guys. Hurtling through a few rings with your grapple-gun doesn't count. Instead Asylum was Rocksteady's first attempt at a Batman title and they nailed it more effectively than a hardware store drill demonstrator. Taking influence from one of the most twisted tales ever written under the Batman name with Grant Morrison's endlessly-interpretable divisive masterpiece 'Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth', the final product here is a quintessential Dark Knight experience. Replay it specifically for: That moment after you've stalked a group of thugs through the shadows, eliminating them one-by-one until the last one's heart rate is pounding and you reveal yourself to the sound of scattered gunfire and terrified screams. From cape to cowl, you are the Batman like never before.