22 Biggest Disappointments Of E3 2015

22. Dark Souls III Gameplay Was Only Shown Behind Closed Doors

E3 saw the reveal of the first Dark Souls III trailer, even though of course, fans got their first glimpse of the game a few weeks ago when screenshots and key details were leaked. The 2-minute, completely CGI trailer showed off the typical Dark Souls visual style without giving much away plot-wise, but most crucially confirmed that the game is due for release in "early 2016". It was a damn shame, though, that no gameplay footage was shown at any conference or live stream, only behind closed doors to select members of the press. Reports of the footage have already sneaked their way online, though it's still massively frustrating to Souls fans everywhere that they can't see the game in motion. If it's good enough to show to the press, why not everyone else too, especially given the promising nature of most of the spy reports?
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E3 2015
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.