22 Problems Only Gamers Will Understand

11. The Incessant Inclusion Of Multiplayer-Only Achievements

Batman GifLegoAs a gamer in modern society, there's little more important than gaining achievements. At their core they're utterly pointless and do nothing except give you (minor) bragging rights, but we still pursue them with reckless abandon anyway. However, there's always something that gets in the way; multiplayer achievements. Usually requiring about 80,000 man hours to unlock or for you to level up your character on a crappy online component to the maximum level by killing thousands upon thousands of others, these achievements are a true test of resolve, patience and - perhaps - complete madness. But hey, it won't be 1000G or a platinum trophy unless you bother, right?

10. Just Straight Up Staring At Your Games Collection, With Nothing To Play

Ezgif Save 6 GifNew Line Cinema Your gaming collection, once a humble pile of discs scattered merrily to the winds of your house, has now grown to gargantuan size. Spending sprees, discounts and the collector in you have all combined together to make you purchase every single game known to man, giving you almost infinite choice about what to play. Despite this, you'll often find yourself literally sitting and staring at your gaming collection, wanting to play absolutely none of it. You may pick up a case in triumph, remember you can recall everything that happened on it, then pop it back on the shelf and the whole process starts again. If only we erase our memories and start everything all over again.

9. How Changing The Disc Is A Thing

gurl.comgurl.comCome on, hands up. Which of you have all wished at some point that the big gaming console makers had removed all of the social sharing functions, motion control nonsense and invented something that'll change our discs for us? While you can do practically everything on a console from the comfort of your sofa or favourite squash gaming chair, you still, in the modern world no less, have to get off your backside to actually change the disc. About 60% of the time this requires far too much effort and we'll quite happily refuse to do so and keep playing whatever's in just because of utter, sheer laziness.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.