24 Greatest Video Game Moments Of The 2000s

2. Actually Not Making It Out Alive - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB-n_8zq9Qo Call of Duty's moved away from being anything resembling a 'thinking man's shooter' and more into annual Bayhem territory across the last few years, but for the first couple of games Infinity Ward were leading the fray at forcing a mass audience to engage with some throughtful subject matter. Before the pretty misguided airport massacre in Modern Warfare 2, it was this unbelievably impactful scene from the first game, where - as Sgt. Paul Jackson - you've just been caught up in one of the most frantic rescue missions committed to code, only for the nuke to go off anyway, downing your helicopter amongst a sea of debris and very moving holocaust-themed imagery. It's after this where you'll regain control and attempt to move forward - only to see your character pass away amongst the wreckage. It really hits home when - as you're still thinking "...they didn't... did they?!", confirmation comes through a military graphic simply showing 'K.I.A.', perfectly getting across the disconnect from those watching at home and the horrific events military personnel can be put through.
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