25 Best Sega Games Of All Time - RANKED

13. OutRun

Yakuza game

When a game is so popular that it's included as a minigame in other Sega games such as Shenmue (pictured) or Yakuza, you know that you've got something special on your hands.

Originally released for arcades in 1986, OutRun was somewhat of a revolutionary title in gaming's history. It plonked you down in a super-rad Ferrari Testarossa Spider and you, along with your blonde companion, would simply drive through a nonlinear environment, where you could choose to go multiple ways depending on what took your fancy at the time.

The game, unlike other racers, is more about the actual experience of driving. Back in 1986, this was the best way to fantasise about driving a Ferrari, and allowed you to explore some beautifully-rendered environments.

Like Daytona USA, OutRun also includes an awesome, custom-themed cabinet which simulates the look and feel of a car complete with steering wheel, stick shift and acceleration/break pedals.

Oh yeah, and that soundtrack. Nothing quite like sitting in a sweaty arcade in your little car thing, blitzing down the road with the tunes blasting in your ears.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.