25 Best Sega Games Of All Time - RANKED

18. Crazy Taxi

Yakuza game

Hey, hey! Come on over and have some fun with Crrrrrrazy Taxi!

If you've ever had those words shouted at you by the voiceover fella from Crazy Taxi, you know what you're about to experience.

You're about to enjoy several minutes of completely mental taxi action, where you ferry various lunatic pedestrians across the town at breakneck speeds. The more crazy stunts you do during the trip, including drifts, jumps and nearly ploughing directly into other vehicles, the more your passenger enjoys themselves and may tip you even more at the end.

Originally released for the arcade in 1999 by Sega developers Hitmaker, the game was a huge success in the arcades and resulted in a direct port to the Dreamcast, where it remains the third best-selling Dreamcast game of all time.

It's then been ported across to loads of other platforms, including the PS2, GameCube and PC. The console versions also include minigames, including using the taxi to play bowling.

Did you know that the actual gameplay of this is patented by Sega? A few years ago, the Simpsons Road Rage tried to use similar mechanics and drew Sega's ire, resulting in a settlement out of court!

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.