25 Best Video Games Of The 90s

19. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

The first Resident Evil gave us one of the best locations for any horror game in the labyrinthine Spencer Mansion, but shattered windows and shambling zombies don't come remotely close to facing up against the relentless pursuit of the Nemesis. Appearing out of nowhere and hunting you down through Raccoon City, he's easily the complete embodiment of that nightmare thousands of us have had, where some unknown gruesome force is forever gnashing at your heels, baying for blood for reasons unknown. The encounters with the creature were a mix of unloading clips just to slow his approach, or reconciling to sprinting in the opposite direction only for the game to give you a slow-motion choice that could let you escape if you were lucky. They say heroes are only as good as their villains, and although you could paint the Nemesis as a big ol' sack of meat with a face - that's precisely why his simplistic concept and execution was so incredibly effective.
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