25 Best Video Games Of The 90s

18. Driver

The guys at Reflections must be kicking themselves these days, being that had the idea for the whole 'open-world crime game' mapped out in 2000's Driver II, long before Rockstar executed on it through GTA III. Anyway, for their inaugural instalment, the devs put a huge focus on ensuring you could pull off the sorts of tire-burning chases seen in Hollywood blockbusters like The Italian Job or Bullitt, nailing the concept of being at the centre of a hard-boiled cop narrative, squealing off round corners and doing donuts as smoke kicks out and fogs up the screen. The mandatory 'license test' intro sequence remains one of the most frustrating in gaming history (and perhaps the single reason why the franchise never took on as it could have), but considering every other part of this very progressive title was leagues ahead of the rest, those who succeeded discovered one of the best driving games of them all.
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