25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

16. Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

While past Resident Evil games have never shied away from blood and gore, most of it usually came from the monsters. Character deaths were actually pretty tame in comparison. This changed with Resident Evil 4, which increased the gore factor exponentially, especially in regards to ways in which you could die.

There are many, many ways in which Leon can meet his end in Resident Evil 4, and many of them are disgusting. No expense was sparred in the realization of these deaths, which include countless variations of decapitations, impalements, and amputations.

Leon can get crushed, stabbed in the head, impaled on spikes, and even get his face melted off. There is so much variety and attention to detail paid to your deaths in Resident Evil 4, and subsequent entries in the franchise still have yet to match it.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.