25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

17. The Last Of Us

last of us
Naughty Dog

Considering the types of video games Naughty Dog has made in the past, the sheer brutality of The Last of Us is kind of stunning. In hindsight, given the depressing subject matter, this should not be surprising. Not only is it a very gory game, but it manages to be so in a way that isn't fun or exhilarating like most video games.

The game pulls no punches with its depiction of violence, both towards the infected and the humans. When the infected bite Joel or Ellie, you can see the tendons and flesh pull apart. Heads and body parts explode realistically when shot and are rendered in grisly detail.

Unlike most games, you are not meant to relish in the gore, and it stands out all the more because of this. The Last of Us may not spill as much blood as some other games, but the context and tone with which the game provides makes its rendition of gore powerful and effective.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.