25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

6. Soldier Of Fortune II: Double Helix

Soldier Of Fortune Payback

At face value it appears that there is absolutely nothing special of note about Soldier of Fortune II. For all intents and purposes it just appears to be another first-person shooter. However, what separates it from every other bloody shooter is the GHOUL damage system, which allows you to shoot and damage specific body parts.

Entire sections of the enemy's body can be blown off, and depending on the body part, they'll still be alive. It's not an uncommon sight to shoot a man's arm off and see him scurry away in pain in a last ditch effort to survive. You can even shoot a body until there is literally nothing left but chunks of meat.

All of this is dependent on where you shoot and with what type of gun, making it feel very realistic while still being over the top in a lot of ways. It is a game that truly lets you indulge in your sadistic side.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.