25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

19. Sniper Elite 3

Sniper elite 3
Rebellion Developments

Technically Sniper Elite 3 may not be the more frequently gory of games, at least compared to others of its kind, but what it lacks in sheer volume it more than makes up for in its attention to detail and anatomy based executions.

As its name suggests, the game is about precision kills, but what differs it from other sniper based shooters is the x-ray kill cam shots, that allow you to follow the pathway of the bullet as it hits its target. As it does, the inside of the victim's body is shown as the bullet rips through his bones and organs. All of this is rendered in great detail.

The game even encourages you to take your enemies out in style by performing trick shots, which involves bouncing bullets off of surfaces and killing multiple targets with one shot, the reward of which is seeing your enemy's head explode in a geyser of blood and bone.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.