25 Greatest Video Game Heroes Of All Time

15. Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

uncharted drake
Naughty Dog

Objectively, it's hard to see Nathan Drake as a traditional hero figure. He alone has murdered hundreds of people while knowingly putting his friends in danger, all in an attempt to find an ancient lost city or some valuable archeological object.

However, Drake does these things with such charisma and a quippy, good-natured sense of humor that you can't help but be on his side. He constantly tempts fate by intentionally jumping head first into danger, but somehow always gets away relatively unharmed. Despite all of the violence and death, he lives a life of adventure that we all wish we could.

Drake is one of the most irresponsible video game heroes ever conceived, and oddly enough that is precisely what makes him such an appealing protagonist. His "throw caution to the wind" approach is alluring in that it is also empowering. In real life you'd want to stay away from him, but in the world of video games you want to stand by his side every reckless step of the way.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.