25 Greatest Video Game Heroes Of All Time

16. Kratos (God Of War)

God of war 3

Kratos is the definition of an anti-hero. His story if the one we follow throughout the God of War series, so in that sense he is the hero, but going purely by his actions, he's as reprehensible as a person can get. He won't hesitate to throw you off a cliff if you happen to get in his way.

And yet, Kratos's story is one of tragedy. His only connection to humanity was his love for his wife and daughter, both whom he was tricked into murdering by Ares. This sets him on the path of not only getting revenge on Ares, but the entire pantheon of Greek gods.

It is through this journey that Kratos redeems himself, giving his life to set humanity free from the authoritarian whims of the gods. Kratos becomes a martyr, and while this doesn't necessarily wash his sins away, it adds to the increased complexity of one of the video game industry's best anti-heroes.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.