25 Greatest Video Game Heroes Of All Time

23. Booker DeWitt (Bioshock: Infinite)

bioshock infinite

Booker Dewitt has a conflicted past. As a soldier in the U.S. Army, he committed his share of brutality in the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Unable to shake off the shame and guilt, his venture to Columbia to save Elizabeth from the zealous Comstock becomes his salvation.

However, the twist is that Booker and Comstock are the same people from alternate timelines. This essentially makes Booker both the hero and the villain of Bioshock: Infinite, both battling the other to determine the ultimate fate of their daughter. It's a fascinating dynamic that adds untold layers to the character.

As Booker's relationship with Elizabeth grows though, so too does his determination to ensure she escapes. By the time it becomes apparent what he must sacrifice to ensure she no longer suffers, Booker becomes the hero he never knew he could be, demonstrating how the love of a father can save even the darkest of men.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.