25 Most Iconic Video Game Characters Of All Time

10. Solid Snake (Or Big Boss)

It's kind of tough to separate Solid Snake and 'Big Boss' (or whatever moniker you want to give the anti-hero/villain). If you had asked any Metal Gear fan ten or even twenty years ago who the main character of the series was, the resounding answer would've been the former. In a post-Phantom Pain and Peace Walker world though? It's never been more obvious that Hideo Kojima always intended for Solid's 'dad' to be the real star of the franchise. Everything, after all, started with The Boss' protégé all those years ago in the jungles of Tselinoyarsk, Russia. In terms of iconography though? Solid easily comes out on top. The amalgamation of Sneaking Suit, impractically-long bandanna and the grizzly tones of David Hayter have and always will be the classic image of Metal Gear. A shame then, that we've not had a Solid-led Metal Gear title since Guns Of The Patriots. But hey, there's always hope for a retelling of the first two Metal Gear titles to bring the entire franchise full circle. Well, there would be, if Konami hadn't just announced their withdrawal from the console market.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.