25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

6. "We Don't Go To Ravenholm" - Half Life 2

You first hear about Ravenholm in the level prior to the actual visit when Alex indicates the entrance with an ominous comment hinting at the town's decimation by the zombies running rampant throughout the streets. However, hearing about it beforehand does nothing to prepare you for what it's like to actually walk through the place, and the drastic shift in tone to the distinctly survival horror-esque ambiance as you're greeted by the sight of the lower half of a bisected body as it dangles from a tree establishes the kind of craziness to expect. And that's just the first volley - as you venture further into the city you'll come across a scorching pyre of rotted bodies, hordes of the undead and quite possibly the most fearsome creatures in the entire game - poisonous headcrabs. These vicious little buggers were capable of slashing your health to ribbons in a matter of seconds, and you'd spend the rest of your time in Ravenholm peeking around every corner in a panicked sweat after squaring off against your first one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IK4fwnf6f8
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