25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

7. Encountering Your First Crimson Head - Resident Evil Remake

There a few things that can cause people to scoff with vague disgust the way uttering the word "remake" can, but way back in 2002 the RE remake went a long way toward warming people to the idea of giving classic titles the next-gen makeover as it's unanimously praised as not only an improvement on the original in every conceivable way, but also one of the greatest horror games of all time to boot. Boasting gorgeous visuals, and a plethora of new weapons and locations, the remake was the shot in the arm that the franchise so desperately needed at the time. But it was the addition of new enemies such as Lisa Trevor and the Crimson Head zombies that really upped the scare factor. You see, under "normal" circumstances, you'd just empty a few rounds into a zombie - bam, bam, bam - and they're dead(er), right? Well, failing to destroy the head or incinerate the body in the remake only guaranteed that they'd rise again as a faster and more powerful uber-zombie with the added bonus of being able to chase you down halls with lightning speed. Crimson Heads were a deviously clever addition to the remake, and your first run-in with these vicious creatures only ensured you spent the rest of the game skirting around corpses as widely as possible in the hopes of preventing evisceration.
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