25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

4. Praying That Piggsy Won't Sniff You Out - Manhunt

Rockstar is one of the greatest studios in the industry, and despite being most known for the GTA series they've dabbled in a variety of settings and genres. In 2003's Manhunt, Rockstar tried their hand at horror, and suffice to say they made quite an impression, as it's easily one of the most deliciously twisted games the medium's ever seen. The plot concerns James Earl Cash, a convict who's escape has been facilitated by a man named Lionel Starkweather, who coerces him into taking part in a snuff film. Needless to say, the subject matter makes it an experience unlike any other, and you'll probably feel like hopping into a shower afterwards to wash off the filth clinging to your skin. The whole game just feels so raw: with a grainy visual style evocative of the horror films of the 80s, Manhunt's world feels like an nightmarish vision of humanity at it's most corrupt, and there's no shortage of scares as you slice one throat after another. However, Manhunt's crowning moment comes towards the climax of the game when you find yourself trapped in an attic with "Piggsy", a demented serial killer who sports an actual pig's head for a mask, and a chainsaw. It's impossible to play this entire segment without a pumping heart rate and sweaty palms as you sprint through the dark attic with the roar of Piggsy's chainsaw following you. The sound of this ferocious man-beast's squeals will echo through your mind for weeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCl7Dumc-JQ
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