25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

3. The Hotel Chase - Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-CyUOVtImc It's truly a shame that plans to follow up Dark Corners Of The Earth with a pair of sequels fell through as Headfirst Productions' sole outing with the Cthulhu mythos still stands as one of the greats in the genre. Then again, what can you expect when your muse is arguably the most influential horror scribe of the 20th century? Call Of Cthulhu's unsettling atmosphere is made all the more remarkable by the fact that several hours pass before anything truly remarkable happens. It's all atmosphere for the first three hours or so as you explore the small town of Innsmouth. And from the second you set foot on the sidewalk, you know something's off - the inhabitants glare at you from massive, protruding eyes that positively radiate malice, and as you trek through the darkened streets and alleyways, there's the feeling that you're being shadowed. The tension-building culminates when you're awakened by the crash of townsfolk hacking away at your room with cleavers and axes, and what follows is one of the greatest set-pieces in gaming history as you breathlessly scramble from room to room bolting doors to put as much distance between you and your murderous pursuers as possible. If you consider yourself a Lovecraft fan, or a fan of horror in general, do yourself a favour and play this one. You can thank me later.
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