3 Launch Titles That Saved Their Systems

3. Halo: Combat Evolved

Possibly the reason Microsoft are still making consoles and definitely the reason millions of gamers picked up the original Xbox. Halo changed the fps genre forever, its influence is still clear in practically every shooter released to this day. The massive levels and enemy AI were simply years ahead of anything else at that time, coupling that with innovations like regenerating shields, created fantastic and fresh campaign. For many gamers though it's multiplayer that stands out as the defining memory when it comes to Combat Evolved, the final 'GoldenEye' of couch gaming before online would sweep in and take over. Halo sold over five million copies and in doing so, 5 million Xbox's, saving Microsoft the embarrassment of having to quit the industry so soon after entering it. So there we have it, three legendary games that ensured players an incredible experience from the moment their new system left the box. With the Wii U just months away from release, what games do you hope to be sitting down with on that memorable first day?
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I like videogames. Feel free to contact me @TarakFord