30 Best Video Games Of All Time

2. Final Fantasy IX

Final fantasy 9 IX ending
Square Enix

About time for a Final Fantasy, no?

Though popular opinion will tell you that Final Fantasy VII is the best of the bunch - and it is indeed a game-changing, landmark release, bringing turn-based RPG action in 3D to the West - Square's followup three years later would top it in every way.

On a fundamental level your characters are far more defined in IX, as VII's Materia system meant every character could spec in any direction, removing an otherwise standard Final Fantasy staple of building a team comprised of class-defined warriors. The story too, is far more engaging thanks to not veering off into ancient history/world-ending possibilities, ending on a purely positive fairytale reveal that if Disney had done it, would be one of the cinematic greats.

Everything from graphics to gameplay, characters to minigames, it's time to acknowledge Final Fantasy IX as the real best in class.

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