30 Best Video Games Of All Time

28. Mario Kart 8

Mario kart 8

Essentially an oldie but a goodie in essence, yes the original Super Mario Kart got the ball rolling, but as with many Nintendo properties it's their latest iteration that stands tall as the best.

Combining every lesson learned from the many past incarnations in the series, MK8 (finally) introduces a faster 200cc mode, resulting in the best gameplay the franchise has ever seen. We also get a counter to the friendship-ruining Blue Shell; a radial Super Horn that can deflect anything coming your way, or push other racers away to claim the top spot.

A.I. is perfected, the roster is bigger than ever and with tracks incorporating anti-gravity segments, these are the best courses Nintendo have ever devised. Truly, your heart might say Mario Kart 64, but your head should say Mario Kart 8.

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Gaming Editor

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